Not sure when your next paycheck will be coming in? Still looking for a job?
There are some simple frugal steps which you can implement to ameliorate your current financial situation. Put yourself on a cash diet so as not to overspend, concentrate on the essentials and give yourself a bit of leeway to enjoy. You may even choose to continue these decisions long after you have found a job as you never know what the future will look like or how the economic health of the country will change for better or worse.
1. Stop watching television or cut your cable. You get less exposure to advertisements and other enticements subliminally telling you to buy articles, clothing, fashion, food and other non-essential. The less television you watch the less electricity you are burning which can cut your bills down. Try to find other ways to spend your time in the evenings, such as cooking or baking something new, spending time with family or friends doing hobbies or playing board games.
2. Look and re-consider how many things you have. Some of us have clothes stuffed into closets, much more than we actually need. Each article that we have is money spent. So re-examine your collections and re-assess what is truly valuable. Try selling some of your items you do not to earn a bit of cash on the side.
3. Now when you go out, try to avoid going into shopping malls or stores as something may catch your eye. Even if you do not buy right away, that article may remain in your mind and you may end up catching yourself buying it on another day.
4. Holidays coming around the corner? Turn to what is truly valuable and memorable. It may be hard to shop for loved ones as many may have what they already need and what you end up purchasing are wants. Instead if you are going to buy something then buy something which will leave a memory or has a sentimental value to it. Or else you can also make your own gifts, from soaps, food, candles, cookies and cards. Personalise your gifsts.
5. Go on a shopping fast. Similar to rule 3, avoid places to shop and if you find yourself tempted to buy something, wait one week and see if that desire subsides.
6. Grocery shopping can be costly however dietary changes can help. Becoming vegetarian or vegan is not only healthy but can cut grocery costs. If that is not convenient for you then always shop for grocery with a list in hand so you avoid buying extras. Try buying in bulk as it is more cheaper. Try not to grocery shop on an empty stomach when you are hungry you may end up buying more and eating out.