Google Ships Over 5M Units of Google Cardboard VR Devices

Google, an Alphabet Inc company, has announced that it was able to ship 5 million units of the Google Cardboard viewer.

The product, launched a year and a half ago, is a wearable device that gives users the chance to experience virtual reality through mobile apps.

The company further announced that they have recorded a total of 25 million downloads of Cardboard apps from its Google Play app store.

According to Indian Express, Google has been exploring the possibilities of the virtual reality for quite some time, but it was only this month that they dived into it and set up a new division for virtual reality computing. The company said that they are continuously taking virtual reality efforts seriously. The company now has its own Virtual Reality, with Clay Bavor as the new Vice-President for it.

The company has also announced in November that YouTube, Google's video-sharing site, has started to support virtual reality videos. With this feature, the viewers can watch virtual reality videos with their mobile devices and the Google Cardboard viewer, with more than 350,000 hours of YouTube videos watched already.

Google's VR devices is a direct competition of Oculus by Facebook and Vive by HTC. Although the Google cardboard VR is still a bit plain as of the present, the company has assured that they've got big plans with this project. They have expressed their plan to include 360-degree cameras to record and create VR content.

The Cardboard Camera app, as announced by Google, will also allow users to capture Virtual-reality (VR) ready pictures on their smartphones and view them using their cardboard viewer.

There are still many plans by Google with regard to their VR project. The year is just starting. There is still a couple of months more to see if this surely will become a click.

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