Instagram Tests New Account Switching Feature On iOS

One of the leading social media platforms, Instagram, has confirmed the testing of an account-switching feature on iOS. The feature has already been tested for Android by the Instagram beta test group last November.

The account-switching feature on iOS has recently been the talk of some IG users after seeing button appearing on the app.

"The new feature will do away with the lengthy process of sinning out and singing in again for switching accounts, which will come handy for people who use more than one account on Instagram," TechCrunch reports.

This feature is an important development especially for IG users who manage several accounts (e.g., online sellers, freelances, social media managers, etc.).

Another group who would definitely benefit from this feature are the teenagers who create multiple accounts, calling it "finstagram" or simply "finsta". These accounts are said to be fake ones. According to the New York Times, the fake accounts is for a private audience that may exclude strict and/or conservative family members and peers. This audience can see unlimited selfies, drunk photos, funny memes, and so much more.

Of course, those with "fisntagram" also have a "rinstagram," or a real account. This account is said to have a wider audience, including family members and colleagues.

However, it is not only the users who will benefit from this. It is, in fact, a win-win situation as the company will also have increased chances to monetize its user base.

If you are an IG user and would want to check if you already have this feature, simply go to the app's setting and look for "Add Account" option.

This might not be the only additional feature to be added by the company for this year. "We are always testing new features within our community," a spokeperson for IG said.

Let us wait and see for more development in this photo-sharing site.

Instagram, Social media