It is a good problem that you probably would welcome and yet it can also cause you to experience sleepless nights. If you are being offered two good jobs, would you not welcome this predicament? But for sure, you will have a lot of thinking to do.
You wouldn't want to miss the better of the two jobs, right? But if they are almost equal in terms of salaries, opportunities for advancement and challenges, you will welcome someone or something that will show you how to rightly choose between the two ideal job options.
That is why you need to read this article. Here is the way to ensure that your choice will be the right one.
1. What does your instinct tells you?
This is the time to trust your instinct. If it feels that one job is more to your liking than the other, even if the salary of the other job is slightly greater, go for the job that your guts tell you to choose. Remember, that this is the type of decision where there is really no right or wrong element. It's just a matter of choosing which one is better - meaning both are equally good. Trusting your instincts works best in this type of decision making.
2. List the pros and cons of each job offer
No two jobs are really the same, so you will have an easy task doing this one. List all the pros and the cons of each job. Include the big ticket items such as salary, position, and growth opportunities.
List also the smaller items such as location, office size, office décor, the people in it and so forth. Include all there is to include and then give each of these items their weight according to how they are important to you. As you go down your list you will eventually see which job is more to your liking.