Employees Who Are Constantly Anxious at High Risk of Getting Fired

Sometimes, without being aware of the fact that you have this bad habit, you see things happening at work and start thinking you are going to get fired. It may sound absurd but it is a perfectly normal feeling to have, and there are ways to get it under control, according to The Muse.

These feelings are real and can provoke some real anxiety. Here is how to stop yourself assuming the worst at work.

1. Instead of worrying, talk to your superiors

Your manager is the best source for you to ask whether you really are in trouble. Contrary to popular belief, not all managers are out to get you, and not all bosses are bad.

If there is something going amiss at work, your manager will know. Put an end to the negative thinking and just find out the truth. What is th worst that could happen? She could confirm your fears? Good. Then you can start working on the problem. Best case, she tells you you are being paranoid.

One tip here: pick and choose what you want to be concerned about. You don't want to come across as paranoid extraordinaire; then you really will have a problem to worry about.

2. Stop talking about it to 'friends'

While there may be nothing with a good venting session, it is wrong to ask them what you should do. Only you know what you should do. No matter how much detailed your explanation is to them, they cannot see the situation in your perspective. They are, after all, listening to one side of the story. Spare them the distress and yourself the pain.

3. Take a Break

You may think the sky will come crashing down if you do, but chances are your paranoia stems from over-working in the first place. In most cases, your place at work is secure and it will not run away from you if you take a break. All normal people do. This break should definitely be a break from worrying about work. In other words, it has to be a real break.

Go to a park with a roller coaster ride and have some fun. Take a little time to breathe. Disconnect from work for a little while.

Work, Career, Workplace, Job