Oscars 2016 Gift Bag Contains $204,000 Worth Of Goodies; What’s Inside? Take A Look!

In the world of movies, especially during the Oscars, actors and film makers don't just take home the trophy. This year's Oscar 2016 gift bag includes over $204,000 worth of goodies that guests can enjoy.

Big bucks are being spent for actors and actresses during any type of awards show. From the gown, jewelry, accessories, tuxedos and shoes they wear down to the food they eat. Like most parties, there are take-away presents to commemorate the event (especially if somebody didn't get to take home the trophy).

Inside the $204,000 Oscars 2016 gift bags include lavish and luxurious items that have more expensive price tags than the retail cost, which included a $250 vaporizer with e-cigarette, and a $1,900 vampire breast lift for women.

Other luxury items include a private tour to Japan worth $54,000, beauty items from Lizora worth $31,200 filled with tea products from China, a $12,250 VIP fitness stay at Hilton Head Island plus designer apparel and nutrional supplements, ultrasound skin tightening procedure and high-end pet products.

Though the products in the gift bags have no official affiliation with the Academy, nominees or hosts, it's still a pretty pricy bag to take home in an attempt at successful brand marketing.

What do you think Leonardo di Caprio would do with a vampire breast lift?

Academy Awards, Leonardo DiCaprio