4 Things You Can Do With An English Degree

If you have an English degree, don't listen to the naysayers out there telling you that English degrees are not financially lucrative. The truth is, an English degree is one of the most versatile degrees out there and they actually prepare you for important skills in many high-profile careers. Prospects makes you aware of some of the many things you can do with an English degree.

Many English degree holders go on to study further, or go into academia. But contrary to popular belief, teaching is not the only thing you can do with an English degree.

With an English degree, you can become:

1. An editorial assistant

Editorial assistants can help out in various areas in all stages of the publication of books, journals, magazines, online material and other publicity materials. You can expect to support senior editors and edit or write content.

2. An English teacher (foreign language teacher)

Apart from the traditional teaching angle, this can be an interesting option for those who like to travel. Lately there are all sorts of teaching opportunities, and a lot of demand for English in countries like Korea, Japan etcetera. If you think living abroad and experiencing new things is for you, this could be a great option.

3. A journalist

Whether it is newspaper journalism or magazine journalism, you could try your hand at reporting the news, or even writing feature articles. There are many options in the world of journalism - hard news, features, field reporting or even content writing among other things.

4. Writer

This is for people who cannot see themselves not writing. If you have a passion for the written word, the world of writing is vast. Fiction, content writing, editing and proofreading, copywriting and ghostwriting are just a few options. If you love writing, you could be one of the lucky few who work with their passion every day!

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