How to Overcome Burnout and Succeed in Your Career

If your job has become more of a burden, filled with stress, frustration, and questions of why you or what you do matter, you're probably dealing with the signs of burnout. Burnout can leave an otherwise energetic and engaged individual irritable toward others and struggle to come to work every day.

Job burnout is an all-too-common phenomenon in today's workforce. And while there's no magic wand you can wave to get rid of it, there are steps you can take to improve your situation. Here are some of them:

Write it down

One way to combat burnout is to list your stressors and build more of what energizes you into your workday. And to do that, you need to know what energizes you to begin with. A good place to start is to make a list of things that have lit you up over time and then pick one and ask why. As you explore multiple things from that list, you'll start to see common themes (reasons why) emerge. When you understand those common themes-your energy sources, if you will -you can ask yourself, "How can I create the opportunity to experience more of these energy sources in my work?"

Do take a break and refocus

If you feel stuck in a rut, you need to take a mental step outside of yourself. This means that you create distance between your feelings of burnout and your need to rebuild. If you believe you can seriously address burnout in parallel with existing stressful duties, you won't make progress.

Start with changing your regular routine. When you grab lunch or take a snack break, use that time to catch your breath, close your eyes, and visualize making a change. Mental snapshots of desired states help to prepare you for future planning.

Stay Healthy.

Constant sleep deprivation and unhealthy eating as a result of your job, as well as regularly occurring bad dreams about work, are all signs that it's time to take a hard look at how you're spending your days both physically and mentally. Exercise is the great stress reliever. It has the dual benefit of immediately relieving stress and giving you more energy in the long run by being fitter.

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