Why Republicans Oppose ObamaCare

U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has stepped up the rhetoric on ObamaCare, saying it "literally" kills women, children and senior citizens. How? By ignoring these vulnerable groups who will apparently not be eligible for workplace sponsored healthcare benefits.

Bachmann cited statistics that women are two and a half times more likely to rely on their spouse for health insurance. Under ObamaCare, employers have the option to limit health insurance only to employees.

What about Medicaid and other government programs? Bachmann likens these options to a "ghetto" for the people who cannot afford better. For people who can afford good health care plans, she calls it "concierge care" implying that the wealthy receive quality treatment that others cannot access.

Turning the Tables on Democrats, Compassion

Bachmann's comments turn the tables on Democrats, who had described Republicans as lacking compassion for the poor during the health care debates leading up to passage of ObamaCare (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) mostly along party lines in 2010. It was a high water mark for the President as well as then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The term "ObamaCare" was used pejoratively by conservative commentators to refer to the Act, but the term was ultimately adopted by Democrats and the President to refer to their achievement proudly.

Understanding Republican's Dislike for ObamaCare

For the most part, observers and pundits have dubbed Bachmann's speech as political theater, in the same vein as Sarah Palin and other Tea Party favorites. However, Bachmann's message generally dovetails with Conservative themes of reducing spending and encouraging privatization of industries. The U.S. healthcare system is currently facing struggles to contain costs while providing better healthcare. Hence, Bachmann's claim of women, children and senior citizens ending up in the "Medicaid ghetto."

Is there any truth to these claims? Proponents of ObamaCare have long looked to Europe, where many nations have nationalized health care systems that appear to serve their citizens well. At the same time, the recent string of bailouts of nations within the European Union begs caution against spending money that is not there.

Bachmann contends that ObamaCare forces people to purchase health care plans that they cannot afford. Her hyperbole is drawing attention, but whether this attention helps her cause of repealing the law remains to be seen.

Read More: Bachmann Strikes Again: Obamacare 'Kills Women, Kills Children, Kills Senior Citizens'

Read More: Bachmann's Latest Comments Indicative Of Detached Republican Party

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