The reviews are in and Tom Hiddleston earned praise with his lead role in a stylish movie adaptation of JG Ballard's architectural dystopia, "High Rise."
A few days ago, Hiddleston went on Twitter for a short Q&A regarding his new project. While the tweet-fest was hilarious for fans, Hiddleston still brought the crowd back to the movie-zone.
"High Rise" is a 2016 film about Robert Laing, a young doctor, that resides in Thatcher's England - a small community that removed themselves from the outside world that eventually collapsed into violent groups. Rotten Tomatoes scored the adventure-drama film a 74% a few days after its release, but the reviews were a bit more positive.
Through JG Ballard's artful writing, "High Rise" was borne through Director Ben Wheatley's 1 hour and 52 minute film. Wheatley's direction on the film may have veered differently from the novel but it plays on the classic "class" warfare. "High Rise" features three different classes in the English residence. The lower floors were occupied by violent men, the middle-levels house hard-working professionals while the top floors comfort the wealthy aristocrats. The writer of the film, Amy Lee created a suspense-filled setting that was perfect for a character like Dr. Laing - or somebody like Tom Hiddleston.
Hiddleston is described as a "detached" actor that found a home in his character, Dr. Laing. The dark and funny humor came natural to Hiddleston.
Here's a snippet from his book, as quoted by CityAM: "Later, as he sat on his balcony eating the dog, Dr Robert Laing reflected on the unusual events that had taken place within this huge apartment building during the previous three months."
Have you seen Tom Hiddleston in "High Rise" yet? Check out the official trailer below and let us know if you find him in the same swooning approach when he was Loki in "The Avengers."