Carl's Jr. Opening A Restaurant Where All Workers Are Robots, CEO Plans For Full Automation

Robots may not be taking over the world but it may soon take over Carl's Jr. Andy Puzder, the CEO for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's have been thinking of putting up a fully-automated restaurant where the kitchen staff are all robots.

The concept was inspired by Eatsa, a fast food restaurant in San Francisco that services a high tech automat-like ordering process. Their main product are fresh bowls of Quinoa. Eatsa has fewer kitchen staff numbers while the front of the house is fully computerized. The experience allows customer to eat their meal without seeing a single person.

CEO Puzder has been thinking about doing something similar. According to TechTimes, he is thinking about an all-natural product restaurant that allows customers to order at a kiosk with their credit and debit cards. Although an employee-free restaurant may not be feasible yet, Puzder has been considering the idea because the government has been increasing the cost of labor which in turn has driven down the number of jobs.

Puzder has discussed with Business Insider that the rising minimum wages in the United States pushes the company to look at other alternatives. The CEO once told Fortune that: "If you're making labor more expensive, and automation less expensive - this is not rocket science." He has always been verbal about the rising minimum wages and has even written op-eds for The Wall Street Journal. However, the financial benefits does not mean an entire advantage for companies. Automating employee activties is not easy because it requires precise and working technology.

It may bode as a benefit to millenials. "Millennials like not seeing people," he says. "I've been inside restaurants where we've installed ordering kiosks ... and I've actually seen young people waiting in line to use the kiosk where there's a person standing behind the counter, waiting on nobody."

Do you think a human-free business would be a better advantage for the future?

Technology, Business