Write An Amazing Post-Interview Thank You Letter

A thank you letter post-interview is a powerful interpersonal relationship builder and a marketing tool that helps you effectively sell yourself. Writing a winning thank you letter after your job interview is over is something you do not want to miss out on.

Many people think writing a thank you letter is a formality, but it is a lot more than that. A thank you letter makes you stand out from all the other job candidates out there. It is also courteous, and polite, and leaves a good impression on your interviewer.

Here are things Monster suggests you definitely consider when writing your thank you note.

1.Recap your expertise

Without sounding like a commercial of yourself, sell yourself one last time. Talk specifics: the company needs these specific traits, and this is how you have them. Keep it short and simple, not flowery or too long. You can meet deadlines and work quickly or whatever it is the company needs at that given moment.

2. Respond to any objections

Say there was an issue with you during the interview, one you were not prepared to address at the moment. Maybe you dodged it, maybe you were vague - but now, you would like to put the concern to bed. For example, maybe the job involves moving to an area where you have no local contacts. Eliminate their concern by telling them your network spans nation wide, that you know so and so person around and you look forward to building new networking contacts as well.

3. Length of your thank you note

There is no exact length, of course. One page, however, is a rule of thumb you should work around with. Again, this is flexible. If you need to convey other important information, one page is not set in stone. Be detailed without going over the top. In general, brevity is appreciated - value others' time.

Job interview, Career, Job, Work