Planning To Quit Your Job: Job Satisfaction And The Joy Of A New Beginning May Not Last

Economists have figured out that there's little satisfaction to be gained from changing jobs.

Are you planning to quit your job? Everyone at a certain point has dreamt of that moment. It could be to take a chance at greener pastures, to try a new industry or field, or to move on to a better working culture and environment. However, according to a report from The Guardian, people who think that the new job will bring them the satisfaction they hope for should think again.

The article explains that a career change can only give the employee a short-lived joy or less.

Economists' research, at the Royal Economic Society's annual conference at the University of Sussex, explains that people who quit their jobs to start a new job are less happier than they were before. The report even compares the job switch satisfaction to the same level of life satisfaction people hope to gain from marriage.

The boost in satisfaction from changing jobs applies only to people who left their previous work willingly. Those forced to find a new position end up feeling less happy with family life, and often have to work longer hours while on probation.

German economists Adrian Chadi and Clemens Hetschko explains that their " suggests that changing jobs neither increases nor decreases well-being." It's similar to a honeymoon period.

The study also showcased that other indicators of well-being - such as satisfaction with family life or with free time - were unaffected by switching jobs.

"A possible explanation is that starting a new job makes it necessary to assert oneself in a new environment," the report indicates. "Employees are willing to work long hours in order to improve future employment prospects. However, this need to survive and compete in the new job may decrease investment in non-work related activities which is why family-life satisfaction also decreases.

Are you still dreaming about quitting your job?

Job Satisfaction, Career Change