More Red Flags That Say You Might Be About To Get Fired!

Getting fired is bad. But being caught by surprise by being fired is even worse. Many a time, you know you are getting fired when you're actually getting fired, but Monster talks about potential red flags that could possibly signify that the end is near.

1. Your numbers are way too low

If you or your department, or division or even your entire company is repeatedly not meeting their targets - whether sales or production or both, be prepared to face some fire.

It doesn't matter whether or not your performance is to blame - companies cannot stay in business in circumstances like these and they will be forced to consider cutbacks.

2. The office air is full of negativity

As juvenile as this might sound, some workplaces are just mean. To be put it professionally, there is poor communication all around, and co-workers are nasty to each other. In an environment like that, there is finger-pointing and scapegoating, and it becomes very hard for people to make an actual effort at any real work. You don't have a chance to shine or be a valuable contributing member of a team that doesn't allow communication.

3. The bigwigs are having closed-door meetings

While managers having private meetings is in no way unusual, having too many closed-door meetings with executives from headquarters can be an sign that something bad is about to happen. Management may have decided to make changes at the local office and your job could be at risk.

4. You are doing a job that a machine could do

We all love robotics, but they shouldn't replace human labor - and they shouldn't replace you. If you think your job could just as easily be done by a machine, and done just as well, you might need to look for another job.

If you have figured out that a machine can replace you, the company will do so too.

Job, Work