The First 100 Days Of Work Are Crucial. This Is How To Navigate Them Successfully

First, many congratulations on landing your new job! It is definitely time to celebrate, but it is also time to watch your step and set the tone for the rest of your career. Make sure you ace those first 100 days with Monster's advice.

1. First impressions are everything

You are trying to adjust, while people are trying to figure you out. Every little thing you do will be noticed, so watch out, especially for your behavior with others.

Being nice is the most important lesson you will learn as time goes on - do yourself a favor and learn it early. Be proactive, sincere and step cautiously.

Think about the kind of work you will be doing and the people you will be doing it with. Do you think a formal lunch is more appropriate for your first business meeting, or a casual get together?

Was your predecessor very popular? Make sure not to step on their toes, or even on the toes of their legacy. Have a sit down with them, pick their brain. They have, after all, been doing this a lot longer than you and they can help you avoid pitfalls.

2. Look for quick, short affirmations

While you will eventually be judged in the long haul, gradually, don't avoid small successes. Be careful not to appear desperate, and seek out the easy initiatives that have a good chance of success and are relatively problem-free.

3. Avoid miscommunication

Be clear and don't hesitate to follow up on a behavior if you think there is a chance it might be taken the wrong way. Be polite but not overly apologetic. Be confident but not overconfident.
Also watch your words. Keep your language active and in the present tense to keep your colleagues' interest and attention. This will make you look sure even when you are not.

Tips, Career