Are you a high school senior contemplating on which university or college you are going to enroll in? Are you then also thinking of what degree you and your parents will be investing in? Or are you a high school senior's parent, currently, listing down the industries and jobs your teenager will be successful in (that will rake in huge amounts of pay checks)? According to Career Coach Eli Amdur (An independent career coach for 19 years), everyone has had career or job search challenges.
But there are some things that he wants parents to know. He tells North Jersey that there are two scenarios that are frequently happening in the past few years: Their children, already graduated, then realizes that one, they do not know what they want to do in life and two, this is not what they want to do in life.
He goes on to tell parents not to despair because these are the most common scenarios that everyone deals with. Amdur reminds parents that their kids are still young and it will be difficult for them to find out what they want to do for the next three or so decades. Which is why anyone shouldn't expect them to find out which college they want to be in. He cites an experience saying, "It's a rare case when a recent graduate sits in my office and tells me about a course she took for the pure value of edification, interest, or personal growth."
Eventually, he reminded parents that their kids, who are looking forward to college, is an exciting time, but not to be lost in all the glare is the responsibility to think ahead, think independently, and think critically. "It's your kid's career and life - not the admissions officer's - that's on the line here," Amdur notes.