More Suggestions On How To Make A Graceful Exit From Your Job

Quitting can actually be exhilarating, especially if you have been daydreaming about quitting a job that has been bringing you down for a while. But do not burn bridges and be graceful on your way out. Monster has some suggestions to prevent you from making a scene or being dramatic as you leave your job.

1. Expressing your happiness and extreme euphoria on social media about your new job. Even if you absolutely have to do this, do it without making fun of the old job. There is no reason why a mature adult with a reasonable amount of common sense should do this.

2. Acting like a child or arrogant or rude or displaying any kind of misbehavior at your farewell party - because you're leaving anyway, right?

3. Poaching clients or shareholders from your previous company and taking them with you. Even if this was within legal bounds and you couldn't face potentially expensive lawsuits over this, it will very likely still not be ethical in most cases. Stop looking for shortcuts and ways to cut corners. Learn to depend on your hard work and maintain your integrity and doors will open for you.

4. Leaving things in a thoroughly unorganized system out of pure spite or as revenge. Be a professional. Even if you were pushed out of the company, keep your head. Show them that they were wrong and it is their loss you are leaving. Don't make people thank their lucky stars you are gone.

5. Acting like a high school student who cannot get enough of his high school after he had graduated. Don't haunt your previous workplace. You don't work there anymore. You will only come across as desperate.

6. Stealing office supplies. Put that binder and that paper tray down, you are simply being immature.
