Facebook News And Update: Native Ads Links With Facebook News Feed?

Facebook is one of the trendiest means to market everything these days. In line with that, even native ads firms are utilizing its fame and glory as well by linking with Facebook and its news feeds.

It stands outs that Facebook has now granted publishers to post sponsored posts on pages. Also, despite being against it the first time, the social media firm has given way to the rising pressure. It appears that the ppublishers' are increasing the percentage of their revenues through a so-called branded content articles and videos that look and feel like standard editorial products, but paid for by advertisers, as reported by The Verge.

The same report added on to note that the publishers are making their presence strong in the world of social media and its linkages. Facebook for instance has always brought much traffic to businesses as users are constantly using Facebook and making it a part of their everyday lives Moreover, for those publishers that aim on posting sponsored content, the process must pass Facebook's criteria such as having the pages undergo verification. Also, Facebook instructs the using of the "tag" process to label the brand that paid for the post.

On a different note, Dan Rose, the company's vice president of partnerships said, "For a long time, for media companies, Facebook has been primarily about distribution. But we're increasingly trying to help partners make money. And this is something they've been asking for a lot."

It stands to reason that Facebook and its tantamount presence in the social media world have captivated businesses as well as jobseekers. A former report from Jobs & Hire revealed that Facebook and Kakao are even going head to head to providing better options and resources.

For the Native Ads firms, linking their companies with Facebook and utilizing the Facebook news feed is speculated to increase market presence and fortifying their business reach and empire.

Facebook news, Facebook updates, Facebook Post
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