Researchers discovered that women who felt that their memories are not doing so well are actually telling the truth. Researchers also discovered a relationship between the amount of negative emotions the women experience, and the memory abilities each of them has.
Apparently, women who reported more negative thoughts did worse on memory tests.
There also appears to be a relationship between their memory abilities and their hot flashes.
In the study published on Menopause, 8 tests of memory and attention were administered to women 44 to 62. The 68 test subjects were affected by moderate to severe hot flashes.
The term Menopause, literally meaning "the end of monthly cycles," is known to affect women in hot flashes, mood, and memory.
Dr. Margery Gass of the North American Menopause Society urges women to actively solve their memory problem through the usage of "notes and lists," "little tricks that help us perform better."
It is also suggested that depression and anxiety should be solved and sleep quality should also been improved in the menopause transition period.