Tesla Motors Not On the Losing Edge With Activated Bio- Defense Mode Features, Stuns Inside Air and Out

The world will be thrilled to know that Tesla has attained another feat in terms of advancement and technology. Tesla Motors are not on the losing end now with its activated bio-defense mode features. It cleans the air inside the segment and outside the car as well

"Tesla says its HEPA air filtration system, which comes standard in the Model X and the new version of the Model S, not only scrubs the air inside the vehicle-it also reduces pollution directly outside the car as well and the company placed a Model X SUV in a large bubble with extreme levels of pollution, approximately 8,200 percent above the EPA's "good" air quality index limit of 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air of fine particulate matter," Fortune reports,

It appears that Tesla is setting a new trend that has drawn much awareness and unparalleled concept. The air filtration, which is the bio-defense mode, is able to filter air and at the same time, promote sustainability by ensuring a cleaner and greener environment. As Tesla's bio-defense mode features integrates its cleaning, pollution in the air lessened.

However, not all of Tesla's segments have this feature because only the Model X and Model S have it on their segments. The methods of air filtering are done accordingly and with proper milestones to ensure safety, consistency and reliability. Extreme Tech also reported that Tesla Model S and Model X are able to filter the air in areas that are heavily polluted and limit the pollution levels to safety range.

It is undeniable that Tesla has continued to implore new areas and offer divergence in terms of sales, segments and features and the bio defense mode features that filters air inside and out is one of the aspects that Tesla has now achieved.

Tesla, Tesla Motors, Tesla Motors news, Tesla Model S