Fox News' Megyn Kelly Discusses Donald Trump Interview On Jimmy Fallon's 'The Tonight Show'

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly has shared a preview of her highly-anticipated interview with U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump. The 45-year-old journalist made a guest appearance on Jimmy Fallon's "The Tonight Show" on Thursday.

CNN reported that Kelly talked about the careful steps she took to set up the interview with GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump. Apparently, they did talk about what happened during the course of the U.S. election 2016 campaign.

"We didn't address anything that had happened [at first]," Kelly told Fallon. "I didn't ask him about any of the tweets or any of the things he said because I was looking to move past that, you know?"

"I didn't want to go to the acrimonious place. So we had a normal conversation like a candidate and reporter, and then we did -- then we sat down for an interview, and in that interview we do talk about what happened."

Donald Trump frequently targeted Megyn Kelly on his infamous Twitter rants. Their relationship took a sour turn when the Fox News' anchor was co-moderator during the first presidential debate.

In the debate last August, Kelly asked Trump about his treatment of women on social media. The presidential aspirant felt that the question was unfair and boycotted the following GOP debate.

According to Us Weekly, the real estate mogul complimented Kelly's tough questioning during the debate. The teaser showed a bit of Kelly's interview with Trump, where she asked him on whether he thinks "it's the journalist's role to be nice to presidential candidates at a debate."

"I might've said they weren't nice, but they don't have to be nice," Trump answered. "In a certain way what you did might have been a favor because I felt so good. If I can get through that debate with those questions I can get through anything."

The highly-anticipated interview will be aired on Fox on Tuesday, May 17, at 8 p.m. ET. It will be an episode of "Megyn Kelly Presents."

Fox News, Donald Trump, U.S. Election 2016, Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show