Meghan Trainor Falls On ‘The Tonight Show’, Nailed ‘Me Too’: A Song About Her ‘All About That Bass’ Career

Meghan Trainor performed on "The Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon last week to debut her new single "Me Too" on the night-time talk show. It wasn't a flop at all but a fall.

The 22 year old singer was energetic at the start of her song but she was wiped out like she slipped on something. It was revealed that she was wearing a sparkly dress that was too tight for her and super high heels which led to her fall. The "All About That Bass" singer tried to steady herself on the microphone stand but it wasn't enough. Eventually, according to E Online, "The Tonight Show" host, Jimmy Fallon, ended up going to her and lied beside her on the floor. Such a gentleman turning it into a joke by joining her on stage. But she wasn't going to let her fall stop her. He stood back up and saluted the crowd.

Meghan Trainor's fall wasn't scheduled on "The Tonight Show" but she was there to promote her single "Me Too" which was all about self-love and confidence. JobsNHire previously reported that Meghan Trainor pulled the video off the stream because if was inappropriately photoshopped which goes against her career values.

The song goes:

"Who's that sexy thang I see over there?/ That's me, standin' in the mirror/ What's that icy thang hangin' 'round my neck?/ That's gold, show me some respect / I thank God every day / That I woke up feelin' this way /And I can't help lovin' myself"

To end the night and queue credits, the Fallon joked: "Of every single dance move, grabbing the mic is the toughest."

Later, Meghan Trainor tweeted about her fall: "Might have fell down... but I KILLLED that sh-t hahaha," she tweeted. "#keepinitreal thank you @fallontonight."

Check out the Youtube video below to recap Meghan Trainor's "nailed it" fall.

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