Top Career Tips For Introverts

Networking, marketing one's self and enticing customers are all necessary in the modern business world. How, then, are introverts to survive?

Motto shared the top career tips for introverts who currently find themselves in a company whose culture makes them uncomfortable. The publication categorized the tips into two: figuring out how to escape or learning to deal with it.


1. Tell them the truth. This may be the most difficult to do, but it's also the easiest to do. It may require some tact on your part since there is a chance that your bosses and co-workers will interpret it the wrong way.

2. Check your schedule. You may find a reason on why you can't go after all. Of course, if you don't have a valid excuse for that particular time or day, then you're going to have to make things up. One disadvantage is that you may have to keep on creating excuses just so you don't have to join your workmates.

3. Work. You may opt to do overtime instead. However, this could make your boss and co-workers turn to you to put in extra time and effort.

Take note that figuring out ways to escape non-work related activities may have its disadvantages, though. It will not stop your workmates from thinking of you as a "party pooper" or a "kill joy." Moreover, don't lie about coming to events but not showing up.


On the other hand, learning to deal with social situations appears to be the best choice for your career. However, this may prove to be more taxing on you mentally.

1. Face your fear. Recognize that you don't feel comfortable with so many people but don't let it rule you. Focus your attention on the positives. Do whatever you can to keep yourself from panicking.

2. Show up. Just push yourself to go to the event. You can also set a personal time limit for how long you plan to stay. This can make you feel like you're still in control of the situation. Take this time to widen your professional network as well.

3. Find a compromise. If you're going to have to be with a lot of people, it might as well be through doing something you like. Try suggesting something that you will enjoy.

Career, Job, Tips, Advice