Stressed Out? Manage It By Staying Sharp And Keeping Busy

Everyone's schedule is busy. Whether it's in the home or at work. However, a new study shows that a full schedule can be good for the brain and is helpful when it comes to stress.

Researchers found that older adults who have jam-packed schedules tend to do better when it comes to memory tests, information processing and reasoning. That doesn't mean being "busy" makes anyone smarter. Researchers found that sharper people tend to seek out mental stimulation. These people may also have more resources, such as higher incomes, that allow them to lead active lives, according to US News.

Festini, a researcher with the Center for Vital Longevity at the University of Texas at Dallas, explains that being busy is good for one's cognition.

Past research has found that older adults who are more active -- mentally, physically or socially -- tend to have better mental function and a lower risk of dementia. In fact, the Alzheimer's Association recommends all three types of activity for maintaining better brain health.

Ultimately, the study showed that the busier people were in their daily lives, the better they are when it comes to performance. There is no indication if it is driven by education levels or age but Debra Fleischman, a professor of neurological and behavioral sciences at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, explains that - "Occupation, income, ethnicity and race are all important factors that can influence accessibility to resources that support an active lifestyle," said Fleischman, who wasn't involved in the study.

In addition, physical and mental health could affect cognitive and memory tests. There's little study on how "busyness" relates to health but too much of it can also cause high levels of stress which can be unhealthy.

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