Millennials Just Want This One Thing In A Product

Millennials are taking over the world. Business owners need to take advantage of this knowledge by learning what clicks with these young, emerging workforce.

There's no denying that the millennial group could bring a lot to your business. According to Inc., TD Bank studied the buying habits of 1,500 millennial consumers and found some surprising practices by the young generation.

It was found out that millennials have a healthy fear of debt. They use cash more often and aren't interested with earning points or cash back when using credit cards.

"Surprisingly, younger Americans are spending more with debit, cash and checks than credit. These payment methods are certainly necessary, but without a balanced spend on credit consumers are passing up cash rewards and the opportunity to build their credit profile," Julie Pukas, head of U.S. Bankcard and Merchant Solutions at TD Bank said in a press release. "For those who dine out, shop and go out frequently, strategically using credit for those purchases can impact your overall budget."

Another interesting tidbit revealed in the survey was that, although millennials shop more often than the older generation, they are bargain hunters. This means that they spend less money in general.

However, millennials outspend everyone else on one particular purchase. "In fact, the only category where Millennials spent more than Gen X and Boomers is on coffee and fast food - demonstrating a need for food on the run and frequent doses of caffeine," TD Bank added in the press release.

Apparently, millennials dined out about 13 times per month. This number is more than Gen X's eight and Baby Boomers' five. They did spend less on monthly dining, though, at $103.

Millennials were also confirmed to grab coffee or fast food 11 times per month. Gen X and Baby Boomers just buy these seven and five times per month, respectively.

Inc. noted that millennials aren't craving for the coffee and fast food per se. It's actually the convenience that has gotten them hooked. With this, business owners should be able to create a product or service that will be conveniently useful for these young workers.
