Why Mentors Are Important For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Everyone should have mentors. Aspiring entrepreneurs need them all the more.

According to Entrepreneur, anyone can be a mentor. They can be your investor or your childhood hero. The important thing is that they help you become a mature person.

Some entrepreneurs look up to their fathers and mothers as their role models as well as mentors. Others are inspired by seasoned entrepreneurs who know their way around the industry.

Inc. has listed five mentors that every entrepreneur should have. These mentors can help you build your career.

1. Find someone who has already established their career. "I find that an established colleague has a lot of compassion, because they have 'been there, and done that' already and almost see themselves in you," Nadine Dumas, a former accountant who became a swimsuit cover model and fitness expert, said.

2. Find someone who is at the same level as you. This is a colleague who is growing at the same pace. This type of mentor needs to be mentally strong in order to be confident about the professional relationship that you will have.

3. Find someone who is not afraid to give you the cold, hard truth. Oftentimes, we get too caught up in our excitement over the development of our careers that we tend to overlook the challenges ahead of us. This mentor can provide blunt feedback and can help us prepare for worst-case scenarios.

4. Find someone outside of the industry. It can be your childhood friend or a college roommate. This mentor needs to have known you before you chose to become an entrepreneur. You need them to remind you that there is life outside of work. "They are not interested in my entrepreneurial skills," Dumas added. "We meet up and talk about everything besides my coaching."

5. Find someone who can help you grow your network. A liaison mentor is your key to making meaningful connections with people who can help you achieve your goals. However, it is important to build a relationship and not just use the person for introductions.

Leadership, Management, Entrepreneur, Business, Tips, Advice