3 Overlooked Leadership Qualities That Every Manager Needs

Leadership is multi-faceted. Managers have to have the technical skills to achieve the business' goals as well as the emotional intelligence to take care of his team members.

While traits such as confidence, integrity and resourcefulness are vital for leaders to have, they are also often emphasized. Inc. wrote about 3 "less-often cultivated" leadership qualities that will truly set you apart from other managers.

1. Emotional Intelligence

Building the right relationships is the foundation of corporate success. This is why networking and mentorship is important. The right relationships help you become the best version of yourself by connecting you with support and resources.

Authentic relationships are based on trust. According to the publication, the best business professionals readily admit to their feelings instead of trying to cover them up. Good leaders also have the ability to read their employees' emotions.

2. Bigheartedness

The best leaders are those who are kind and generous. They are always willing to lend a hand or give extra perks for their employees to stay happy. Some of them provide ample vacation time and bonuses for their team members.

Another way to empower your employees is to delegate power and responsibilities. Help them step up by giving them the tasks that they can handle. Also, don't micromanage - allow them the autonomy to tackle the job their own way. Moreover, always give credit where credit is due.

3. Ingenuity

Business leaders need to be clever. Sometimes, problems can't be solved the usual way. Managers should have the problem-solving ability to come up with unusual and innovative solutions to issues that the team is facing.

Ingenuity is also marked by having the flexibility of being able to work regardless of circumstances. This ability to adapt is an important trait for all leaders.

Industry Leaders Magazine also shared five successful leadership qualities. The list includes having the service mentality, courage to make unpopular but honest decisions as well as the ability to bring out the best in every team member.

Leadership, Management, Tips, Advice