Intern at SpaceX: Interview Questions And Job Offer Tips

While space exploration is a dream come true for most people, the road towards it is often a lot of work. Which is why Space Exploration Technologies takes a lot of dedication and intelligence to accomplish their goals.

For some, it starts early. Interning is a great way to find out if working at a company you'd like to work for in the future is the best place. It is also a great way to learn about the industry you are getting yourself into. For some, it's all about experience. These are just some of the things inters at SpaceX found out when they applied. But before they could get in, they had to go through a similar job application process.

Find out what these interns had to go through to get to intern at SpaceX, according to Glass Door:

1. One applicant applied through an employee referral. After being screened by HR, he was sent to a phone interview with the manager and the engineer involved in the department. But what was a challenge for this person was when he had to conduct a group presentation and showcase it to the team. He was required to solve problems and analyze situations on the spot. It's also a flashback in school where he had to solve a written exam on basic mechanical design. The whole process took three weeks. When asked what question he found memorable? "Given that the rocket is assembled horizontally and is lifted to vertical for launch, design and explain 3 possible systems that can do that."

2. This applicant only had to go through one day of the process but he also went through an employee referral program. He was interviewed on April and he talked to the manager about the work. Ultimately, he was offered a job in the same department. HR had to do the usual processes. His memorable interview question was: "Tell me about the past project you have worked on."

3. This person had a much more bulleted process. He applied online and took him three weeks to go through it all. He wanted to intern for SpaceX under their Avionics Software Group. After receiving a phone call from HR, he had to take a software screening quiz with 10 multiple choice questions. Afterwards, there was a half hour technical interview with the program's senior developer. He wasn't able to move forward because of the scores but if he was able to move forward then his next step would be to create a coding project within 3 days. The final step would be another interview with a different senior developer.

Technology, Space Exploration Technologies