'Warcraft' Movie Critic Walks Out On Duncan Jones, Gains Backlash

A "Warcraft" movie critic walked out on an interview with director Duncan Jones. The film has gained negative reviews for deviating from the game's plot.

Tech Insider reported that BBC News interviewer Adam Rosser walked out after about six minutes of talking with the "Warcraft" movie director. "All I feel is that there were moments in a space, and I don't know how they all fit together," he told Jones.

Jones, for his part, was relaxed during the interview. Even when he was thrown questions that seemed rude, he was able to answer them effortlessly.

The "Warcraft" movie director made a reference to "Lord of the Rings" especially in "Fellowship of the Ring." Rosser admitted that he had already read Tolkien's books which may have helped when he saw the movie adaptations.

"Well, you're very fortunate. You're coming to 'Fellowship of the Ring' as a Tolkien reader," Jones said. "A lot of our audience is coming to 'Warcraft' as Warcraft' players. So I think there is an equivalence [sic] in that. But, you would probably agree that a lot of people who did see 'Lord of the Rings' or 'Fellowship of the Ring' had never read Tolkien and enjoyed it just as much."

According to Independent, Rosser has received backlash and even death threats for the interview. This led him to delete the video.

"Right. Any feedback that involves death threats isn't worth the candle tbh," he tweeted. "So 20k views in that's gone."

A BBC spokesperson clarified that Rosser was interviewing on behalf of BBC 5Live and his show. Apparently, he works freelance which is why he was able to upload the interview to his personal YouTube account.

Duncan Jones also took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the matter. "If u loved 'Warcraft,' spread the word or better yet, bring someone new to see it," he wrote. "If not. No worries, but please chill out. It's just a movie."

Movie, Duncan jones, Film, Entertainment, Games, Tech, World of warcraft