'Injustice 2' Roster To Be Revealed With 'Mortal Kombat X' DLC Unveiling At EVO 2016?

It may not be long before the "Injustice 2" roster is unveiled. Speculations are rife that the sequel's characters may be revealed at EVO 2016.

At E3 2016, NetherRealm Studios announced that the "Injustice 2" game will have a new gear system, new finishing moves, new characters as well as new multi-tiered arenas. Comicbook.com reported that the new "Gear" system will allow items of armor to be dropped during gameplay.

These items can boost players' strength, abilities, defense and health. These can also equip characters immediately after each fight.

The "Injustice 2" roster will include Gorilla Grodd, Supergirl and Atrocitus the Red Lantern. Grodd was given a littler power boost from his regular abilities in the comics. His super strength and telepathy are now joined by telekinesis.

Supergirl's play is described as a combination of Batman and Superman. Atrocitus, accompanied by his Red Lantern pal the housecat Dax-Starr, has the ability to use their Red rings and blood vomit during fights.

According to Christian Today, a "Mortal Kombat X" DLC may be dropped by NetherRealm Studios during EVO 2016 in Las Vegas. Creative director Ed Boon, notorious for teasing fans in social media, recently took to Twitter with a cryptic message regarding the highly-anticipated game.

"evEn with the recent announcement of 'injustice 2,'" he wrote. "we'Ve got some cool mortal kombat x news cOming!"

Fans were quick to point out the unusual way that Boon wrote the post. He capitalized the letters E, V and O in different words. This led to speculations that "Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 3" may be revealed during the tournament on Jul. 15 to 17. It also sparked rumors that the "Injustice 2" roster may be unveiled then.

Characters coming in the DLC may be Sindel and Rain. Speaking to Game Informer, Boon hinted that there may be guest characters for "Mortal Kombat X" and "Injustice 2."

"There was a coolness and a novelty factor to seeing the mixing of the things," he said. "Alien and Predator in 'Mortal Kombat X' were the most downloaded of those, so I would be surprised if we didn't do any of that [in 'Injustice 2']."

Mortal Kombat X, Games, NetherRealm Studios