7 Secret Job Skills That Can Help You Get A Raise

Job skills such as hard work, having a knack for negotiating and teamwork are commonly known traits that every employee should develop if they want to get a raise. However, there are some lesser-known, secret skills that can help you with your career.

TIME shared seven underrated job skills that may be your ticket to getting a raise or a promotion. These are soft skills that can be applied to any career.

1. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely.

Make your communication skills even better by being concise. Set yourself apart from the pack by having the ability to get to the point with as few words as possible. This will lead your boss to see that you are time-efficient.

2. The ability to read others.

A high emotional quotient is a valuable yet underrated job skill that a lot of millennial employees appreciate. Managers with a high EQ often know how to utilize their staff's potential to the company's advantage.

3. The ability to get people to do things for you without coercion.

Influence almost always leads to promotions and raises. This particular job skill is very important. True influencers are looked up to, not feared. Develop this skill by being proactive, not only in thinking but in doing most especially.

4. The ability to look on the bright side.

Being positive about your job tasks and responsibilities can also be a factor in getting a raise. There is already a lot of negativity in the workplace and having a positive outlook will automatically make you noteworthy.

5. The ability to take note of your accomplishments.

Pay attention to your achievements in your current job and take note of them. It's easy enough to create a document where you can list down the details of your success including the dates and how you were able to help the company.

6. The ability to focus.

Mindfulness is a very helpful skill at work. Studies have revealed that this job skill can help improve your productivity and decision-making.

7. The ability to network internally.

Build relationships inside your company. "The people who move forward are the ones who understand the perspectives of others," Dr. James Stanger, senior director of products for Comp TIA, said.

Fast Company also shared six ways to check whether your skills are still competitive in today's workplace. It included a reminder to develop one's soft skills.

Job, Tips, Advice, Career