'World Of Warcraft' Legion Pre-Expansion Pack Release Date Happening This Week

"World of Warcraft" Legion's pre-expansion pack release date is slated for this week. Blizzard confirmed the news last week.

Blizzard took to its blog to announce the "World of Warcraft" Legion's pre-expansion pack release date. The patch will be available by Jul. 19, Tuesday.

"This update will include a wide variety of features and content that set the stage for the expansion, including system changes, quality-of-life improvements, and major in-game events," the publisher wrote. "Some of these features will be available immediately, while other content will be unlocked in the weeks leading up to the expansion's launch."

The "World of Warcraft" Legion pre-expansion pack release date will bring with it updates to Transmogrification and the different classes.

The new Transmogrification Collections system will make it easier for players to collect, store and sort through their gear for transmogging. Users can do all these without taking up storage space in their inventory, bank or Void Storage.

There are also significant changes in store for classes and their specs for "World of Warcraft" Legion. These changes to spells and talents, among others, for classes Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior will take effect as soon as the pre-expansion pack goes live.

For a detailed explanation of the changes per class, Blizzard made a series of preview blog posts about it.

The game's developers also made it easier for players to switch between specializations for different content. Queuing up for dungeons, raids, Battlegrounds or Arenas will be much easier with automatic switches to the suitable role upon entrance to the content that was chosen.

PCGamesN reported that more content will be rolled out prior to "World of Warcraft" Legion's release date on Aug. 30. The first of these contents will be Burning Legion Invasions.

A new class, the Demon Hunter, will be available for those who pre-ordered on or before Aug. 17. It is highly likely that this will be launched in the second or third week of August.

World of warcraft, Release Date, Tech, Games