Halloween, the first in-game event for Pokémon go

After months of barrages of game updates and glitch fixes, fans have been waiting for new content, in-game events or news on the elusive legendaries. This time around Niantic responded with the Halloween event. If you haven't feeling Pokemon Go for a while, then now is the time get back into the action.

The event lasts from October 26 to November 1st, and it comes with a ton of treats. During this period, trainers will earn double the amount of candies for every transaction with Pokémon. This means that every time a trainer catches and transfers Pokémon, they earn double the candies than usual.

Going out and walking around is rewarded more than ever. Buddy Pokémon generates four times as much candy during this period. This means that Magikarp will get you four candies for every kilometre. Gyarados is finally within reach. As a cherry on top, candies are also doubled for every eggs hatched.

Spawns are also going to be altered to give way for Halloween themed Pokémon! From the 26th to the 1st of November, ghost-type Pokémon in the form of Gastly, Haunter and Gengar will appear more often. On top of these ghost-type Pokémon, Niantic also included Zubat, Golbat, Drowzee and Hypno to have a boost on their spawn rates. It's safe to say that the spawn boost for these mentioned Pokémon will be applied worldwide.

This in-game event for Pokémon coincides with the game update of Pokémon Go to version 0.43.3 for Android and 1.13.3 for iOS devices. The update made eggs of different kilometres for hatching look different from each other, which makes egg hatching aesthetically more pleasing during your Halloween excursions.

Pokemon, Pokemon GO, Entertainment