'Final Fantasy XV' News and Updates: Ready for Production, DLC Details, 'Omen' Trailer

Square Enix has recently announced at Paris Games Week that 'Final Fantasy XV' has "gone gold," meaning it is all set for production. Along with the announcement was the discussion of an additional downloadable content for cooperative play, as well as the new cinematic trailer dubbed as 'Omen.'

According to Gematsu, the developer's focus will now be on the creation of three new additional content revolving around Noctis' allies. These can be purchased separately or in the $24.99 Season Pass. Each episode features one of the main protagonist's comrades who will each have their own battling style. The launch will be centered on Episode Gladiolus, then Episode Ignis and Episode Prompto.

PlayStation Lifestyle also reports that once all episodes are released, an expansion pack known as 'Comrades' will be brought out by Square Enix, adding further depth and color to the highly-anticipated game. In this mode, one to four players are allowed to play, with Noctis, Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto as their characters.

If that is not enough to spark interest in the newest Final Fantasy installment, the developer has released 'Omen,' the latest CGI trailer for the game featuring Noctis traveling through dimensions and crossing paths with a battalion of ravaging enemies in every turn. The Verge reported that this five-minute clip was created by Digic Pictures, the same team behind the production of 'Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV.' This short but moving movie depicts a grim setting with impressive graphics, reminding everyone how the game franchise carved its niche in the RPG world.

Here is the clip that everyone has been clamoring for.

'Final Fantasy XV' has been in development for nearly a decade, and fans have been anticipating its release along with the 'Final Fantasy VII' remake, which might take a longer time. The game can be expected to be available in stores come Nov. 29.

Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix, Final Fantasy