Natural Versus Traditional Remedies: Finding Out Which Is Better

The practice of earthing is gaining ground as an alternative treatment believed to be effective for many of today's common illnesses and health conditions. But is it really based on scientific fact or just a product of mind over matter?

Earthing, also known as grounding, hinges on the belief that the human body is an electrical system in its natural form. It was once 'grounded' when our ancestors used to walk the earth on bare feet and were at the peak of their health.

According to authors Clint Ober, Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Martin Zucker in their book Earthing: The most important health discovery, they suggest that we live on an electrical planet and become a collection of dynamic electrical circuits that transmit and receive energy. Unless the body is one with the earth, we would be disconnected from it.

" Humans used to be naturally grounded when we used to walk barefoot and sleep on the ground. Now of course, we rarely ever come into direct contact with the earth, except for a week or two a year when we go on vacation and walk on the beach or have a picnic in the park and take off our shoes and walk on the grass. So a simple solution is to just walk barefoot on the earth more often," says Jay Kshatri of, a firm believer in the method of earthing.

Alternative medicine also adds to this list of what many believe to be natural means of treatment and medication, for which a long-existing one is the science of herbal medicine. It is labeled as 'alternative' because it is established as one that plays a supporting role and not as a primary method of treatment.

While traditional medicine is backed by science with predictable results alternative medicine is more of a hit and miss process. Where medicines are targeted mostly for the treatment of specific diseases and conditions, alternative medicine looks does not guarantee a certain level of efficacy.

As a general rule, always remember to not just jump into a certain mode of treatment just because of popular reputation or word of mouth, both alternative and traditional methods may be effective or it may not. It is always important to seek expert advise because symptoms that you experience may come as an effect from an unexpected cause. Whether if you go for natural or traditional remedies, finding out which is better must be based on sound and founded advice.

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