'The Lion In The Living Room' Says People Now Chase Cats Too!

Alongside the new romantic, sci-fi, and thriller genre books that have been released before the year of 2016 ends, Abigail Tucker broke the silence of science and discovery books after publishing "The Lion in the Living Room." She tackled about how men started to love the cats, despite the existence of amazingly adorable dogs.

People used to hate cats after the news that it killed around four billion birds a year, as reported by the Science News. Taking into consideration that both birds and cats are needed to achieve balanced biodiversity, people are not happy to know that the number of birds diminishes while the population of domestic cats has been a drastic increase.

Cats can be the man's ultimate best friend too, alongside the very adorable breeds of dogs. Cats must not be kept inside the houses because it stresses them a lot as per Abigail Tucker. According to the National Geographic, cats must be freed but maintained as well to avoid them from eating chickens and birds.

Further, the National Geographic also stated that cats could be trained to be less deadly. Pets, indeed, have the same lifestyle but different perspectives. To make them be the loving pets that you longed to have, make sure to treat them with love properly, just the same amount you give to your dogs.

Trimming their nails and giving them schedules on when to and not to let them go out to avoid the exploitation of chicken and birds. While tagged as one of the world's 100 worst invasive species, they are also cute and fluffy, and they can be considered as another family member living in your home.

Cats can adapt to the lives of the human, and they are not stuck with being a psychopath. They kill birds and chickens to feed their hungry stomach, but if they will be given enough proper training, maintenance, and food, there is a bigger assurance for people that they can keep their birds and chickens safe from cats' claws.

Abigail Tucker's book, "The Lion In The Living Room," will further explain how man started to fell in love with cats, and how to keep them adorable. The book can now be ordered online, and is possible to be offered in discounted rates on Black Friday.