"Prey" is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks, is scheduled to release next year. Though it was previously announced that another sequel was being developed, it was eventually cancelled by Bethesda in 2014. As the news released, it was reported that the upcoming video game was not a reboot nor a sequel.
Bethesda officially announced at their E3 press conference on June 12, 2016, that they were developing an upcoming video game called "Prey." On an interview, the president of Arkane Studios and Prey's creative director, Raphael Colantonio said that "Prey is not a sequel but instead a reimagining of the IP."
"Prey is not a sequel, it's not a remake, it has no tie with the original," Colantonio said. "Well, this is a brand new game from Arkane Studios, the same team that brought you Dishonored and are soon to bring you Dishonored 2.", he added.
According to the report, Arkane Studios described "Prey" as "a first-person sci-fi action game that reimagined the franchise from the ground with an added psychological twist." The upcoming brand new game could be played on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
In "Prey", the player took the role of the main protagonist, Morgan Yu. The player would be able to select certain characteristics of Morgan including its gender, weapons to be used and decisions to be made. The attributes of Morgan which the player would choose could affect the elements of the game's story
According to Colantonio, the stations of "Prey" were continuous which required the player to return to the previously explored areas. On the other hand, he revealed that the player could move around outside the station with zero gravity. He also stated, "aliens have an array of different powers that the player could gain over time."