'Vikings' Season 4B Spoilers, Air Date, Latest News & Update: 'Ivar the Boneless' Take Over Ragnar's Throne?

The Canadian-Irish historical drama series, "Vikings" season 4 was extended for another twenty episodes. There were speculations that Ivar the Boneless would turn over Ragnar's throne for he has the strongest character among other Ragnar's son.

On the previous episode of "Vikings" season 4, Rollo and the Parisians had a battle to his brother, King Ragnar. Rollo betrayed his brother for he wanted to level on Ragnar's authority and power as a king. As a result, Ragnar discovered that their battle disillusioned his people to the extent that they lost faith in their king.

As previously shown on "Vikings" season 4, Ragnar kept vomiting blood until it came that he died. However, Ragnar only played dead to conquer Paris. On the other hand, his sons, Bjorn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar were claiming Ragnar's throne. It was rumored that Alex Hogh Andersen, who played the role as the youngest son of Ragnar, 'Ivar the Boneless' would be the next King of Kattegat because he is immensely strong.

Ivar the Boneless is the only son who still believes on his father, thus giving him the advantage to turn over Ragnar's throne. The focus of the storylines in "Vikings" Season 4B would be on Ragnar's son, on who's worthy to take over Ragnar's throne.

On an exclusive interview with IGN with Andersen, he shared his character as Ivar in "Vikings" Season 4B as the toughest son of Ragnar. "It doesn't take him that much time before he realizes that, because of the crippled Ivar, because of the past and because of his entire life as a cripple in an environment that does not embrace it," Andersen said. "He's the toughest one of them all."

On the other hand, Jordan Patrick Smith who played the role as Ubbe stated on "Vikings" Season 4 community forum that "Ivar the Boneless has one of the biggest disabilities one can ever have as a Viking. He is crippled but he is still brilliant enough and strong enough to keep going." Would Ivar the Boneless be Ragnar's successor? Stay tuned on this site for more updates.