‘Once Upon A Time” Season 6 Episode 9 Latest News, Update And Spoilers: Who Is Planning To Kill Zelena?

"Once Upon A Time" is a popular television series in America that revolves around well-known fairy tales mostly from Disney, folklores, Western Literatures and the like. The series first aired on ABC on the 23rd of October 2011.

"Once Upon A Time" is currently on its season 6, Episode 9. The ninth episode will be the last episode of the first half of the season and scary ordeals are coming Storybrooke's way in this episode which is entitled "Changelings". According to Movie News Guide, the episode will start with Rumplestiltskin's (played by Robert Carlyle) dark and unpleasant side of his past. In the mentioned flashback, Rumple will be seen capturing Jack (Nick Hunnings) and Jill's (Tammy Gillis) son back in Fairy Tale Land to use it to lure a powerful being towards him having the Evil Queen (Lara Parilla) as a witness.

Meanwhile, Gold (played by Carlyle still) convinces the Evil Queen to kill Zelena (Rebecca Mader) on behalf of him and tells her that if she kills her sister Zelena, she might just turn things around for her forever. This is when the evil queen decides whether she's going to do it or not.

In an article from Ecumenical News, Belle (Emilie de Ravin) learns that Rumple might use the magic to take her capability of taking care of her son away so that Rumple could finally get a hold of her son. Belle then thought of the squid ink that could disable him and she is going to need Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Emma's (Jennifer Morrison) help to get her hands on the magic squid ink.

Jasmine, on the other hand, is intrigued about her newly found lamp and was able to free the genie. Read about "The Last Of Us 2" latest news, updates and the expected release date on Jobs & Hire.

Once Upon A Time, Spoilers