Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Update: Mads Mikkelsen Joins Star Wars; Hints Character Reason Behind Death Star’s Weakness

Mads Mikkelsen will be playing Galen Erso in "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and he's very much excited to have worked on the movie. He also hinted that his character could be the reason for Star Wars biggest plot hole, the huge vulnerability of the Death Star.

In an interview with Birth Movies Death, Mikkelsen said that he was very excited to have been part of Star Wars. He said that it was "super cool" to be part of something that he grew up with.

He says that it is "rare" for a movie like "Star Wars" to be a big hit when he was still young and to still continue to be a big hit even now that he's an adult. But what's even rarer for him was to be a part of that.

Aside from the excitement of having worked on "Star Wars" set, Mikkelsen also hinted that his character may be the reason for one of the series' biggest plot hole, the Death Star, a massive space station that the Empire built as their symbol of power, was easily destroyed in "Star Wars A New Hope."

According to The Huffington Post, it has been theorised that Galen Erso could have intentionally sabotaged the Death Star, given that he was working on the Empire's base against his will in the first place. The "Rouge One" star hinted that it's possible.

"I think we should credit my character for a few things," Mikkelsen said. "I mean, I created the problem [of the Death Star], but I'm also part of the problem-solving."

If what Mikkelsen said is true, then it answers the huge question that fans have been asking for quite a while, how can a massive and technologically advanced base be easily destroyed by a pair of missiles hitting the right spot. With "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" less than 10 days away, maybe there will be more questions about the series that the movie can answer.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars