Leonardo DiCaprio And Donald Trump Discuss Climate Change; Next President Doesn't Care About The Environment?

Leonardo DiCaprio is not only famous for being an Academy Award winning actor, but also as an active contributor to environmental causes. The star reached out to President-elect Donald Trump in an effort to discuss climate change, but apparently, it was all in vain.

In 1988, Leonardo DiCaprio has taken full advantage of his power as a super celebrity and established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, exhibiting his dedication on being an environmentalist. As Donald Trump won the elections, it is known that The Donald doesn't believe in climate change and has called it many names, including a hoax and lie by the Chinese even as reported previously on Jobs & Hire.

In an effort to convince President-elect Donald Trump about the urgent action that is required to beat Climate Change, Leonardo DiCaprio had his CEO Terry Tamminen meet with The Donald in Trump Tower. According to CNN, the meeting was held on Wednesday and was done in hopes of convincing the next President about the importance of the matter.

However, mixed signals were emitted from Donald Trump during the meeting as Terry Tamminen discussed a "framework that shows how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure." Apparently, the CEO of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation aims to prove that millions of secure, American jobs can be created via the construction and operation of renewable energy generation.

According to Game N Guide, despite Leonardo DiCaprio's efforts to convince President-elect Donald Trump to prioritize the environment, everything was in vain as The Donald and his advisors do not care that much about the said cause. Moreover, Donald Trump even appointed Scott Pruitt as the next EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) head. Scott Pruitt is a well-known climate change denier, just like Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, Leonardo DiCaprio, Climate change