Netflix Releases New Series 'The OA' Trailer: Experience Obscure Supernatural Feel

After the successful hit of "Stranger Things" and "Westworld," Netflix introduces its new supernatural sci-fi series, "The OA."

Netflix describes the series to be "a powerful, mind-bending tale about identity, human connection, and the borders between life and death."

Following the trailer's release, Netflix posted on Twitter some of what viewers could expect in "The OA," teasing "Have you seen death? Have you seen darkness? Have you seen the light?" An Instagram account was also officially made for the series, which stated in its biography, "Trust the Unknown," and posted videos that contain vague scientific content.

This upcoming eight-episode series is starred by Brit Marling who portrays Prairie Johnson, a blind girl who disappeared seven years ago returning to her family with her sight back. A doctor or psychologist as such asks her if she remembers the events that took place at the time that she disappeared.

A flashback of her memories follows the question as she recalled of her being in a sort of testing lab. She concludes, "I didn't disappeared" and that she was present in all of it. But she refuses to tell her parents about it, including the FBI. In the end, Prairie claims to herself that she remembers everything.

This leaves the viewers contemplating on how she can be present in all of it with her disappearance? How did she have her sight restored? What occurred in her body while she was in the testing lab and why is she in a transparent box?

Along Marling are co-stars Emory Cohen (Saoirse Ronan's boyfriend in Brooklyn), former "Walking Dead" actor Scott Wilson (he played Hershel) and British actor Jason Isaacs ("Harry Potter's" Lucius Malfoy); and "Rogue One" actor Riz Ahemed is set to make a cameo appearance.

Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner and Sarah Esberg from Plan B Entertainment and Michael Sugar from Anonymous Content, also will work alongside Batmanglij, series director, and Marling.

"The OA" airs on Dec. 16 on Netflix. If you missed the trailer, you can watch it in the video below.
