Samsung Oculus Gear VR Update: Samsung Gear VR Headset Features Social Rooms, Voice Calls

Samsung released an added-value feature for its Oculus Gear VR users. Samsung Oculus Gear VR users can now enjoy two new features that will allow users to have parties and talk to each other despite the long distance.

Engadget reported that the social Oculus Gear VR features released by Samsung are called as Parties and Rooms. Using the Parties feature, Samsung Oculus Gear VR users can talk and play games all together while using the gear. Rooms, meanwhile, allows Samsung Oculus Gear VR users to hang out with each other.

Samsung Oculus Gear VR users can expect to have a blast when using the Rooms and Parties features. Jobs & Hire previously reported that there were a lot of preorders for Oculus Rift that Samsung even had a difficult time keeping up with the delivery.

Oculus is hoping that the release of the Rooms and Parties features would help users open up more to the society, The Verge reported. The features are designed to help Samsung Oculus Gear VR users increase their engagement and interaction with other people.

The Rooms and Parties features are also designed to shorten the distance among friends at least virtually. People who are living in different parts of the world will be able to discuss issues, play games and enjoy each other's companies with the help of Samsung Oculus Gear VR.

The Samsung Oculus Gear VR would allow users to customize the Rooms and Parties features. Rooms will allow Samsung Oculus Gear VR users to invite other people into their virtual space, while Parties will open up users for conversations.

With the Rooms and Parties features, Samsung Oculus Gear VR is taking small steps into making the technology a social one. Are you willing to try Samsung Oculus Gear VR's Rooms and Parties features? Comment your answers below.

Samsung, Virtual reality