New HBO Documentary 'Beware The Slenderman': Trailer Exploring The Meme-Inspired Murder Myth

Today, Leutner is very much alive after being stabbed 19 times by two of her friends, who are currently going through criminal court. They were having a slumber party when they lured her into the woods, her friends claiming that Slenderman, a make-believe internet ghoul influenced them to do it. The horror that the tragedy brought her, led some people to question the reality of this pale, ghastly and faceless tall man with tentacles who loves preying on innocent children.

As stated in Deadline, the HBO Documentary "Beware the Slenderman," which was directed by Irene Taylor Brodsky and written by her as well together with Sophie Harris, covers the issue about the dark recesses of the internet and how it influences how children think. This is exposed through digging deep into the crime and reasons behind the fictional boogeyman, a character that was just supposed to be created for a certain website's online Photoshop contest back in 2009. The ghastly creature stemmed from "Something Awful," a forum that started it all and ever since then, it has widely gained its popularity, especially among the younger generations.

According to Director Irene Taylor Brodsky, the narrative revolves around the court deliberation whether or not the girls will go through the trial as either children or adults, and not around innocence nor guilt. The parents of the girls and their startling honesty together with their anguish drove the film to its most important point. This was shown at the center of the documentary, according to Slash Film. It is such a horrible crime and it's even more disturbing as it's coupled with the thought of teens being able to do something as stabbing a friend just to impress a make-believe creature named Slenderman.

The chilling "Beware the Slenderman" documentary will premiere on HBO this January 23, 2017.