'Crash Bandicoot N Sane': What You Need To Know

"Crash Bandicoot N Sane" trilogy proves itself to be a remastered version of the classic and the original PlayStation game but not a fresh new game in itself.

Gaming Bolt writer Aaron Main posted a review of the upcoming "Crash Bandicoot N Sane" trilogy, saying that it is a great game for those who are looking to revisit the classic since it puts on the same "feel" and tunes. However, if you are looking for a modern version of the game or a new one entirely, you may be disappointed.

He wrote that the foundations of the game are still intact and one can experience the same "feel" or the same thrill for Crash, the bandicoot. The story and the hidden items part of the original game and the tunes from the music selection are also included in this new version.

Even the difficulty is the same, despite the fact that the author didn't locate a difficulty setting. He wrote that the game is much more suited towards teens and young adults, and not as easy as "Super Mario Bros."

What has changed or in this case, remastered, are the graphics and the visuals. According to Jobs & Hire, the trilogy is a remaster with an aesthetic boost--and that is exactly what Main found for himself. According to him, the graphics and designs are well done down to the fluttering grass, aged moss on the ruined pillars, and grainy sandy path that all add life, color, and not to mention, much-needed texture to what was before only a dull view.

The voices and cinematics have also changed or rebuilt but these are all to be expected given that "Crash Bandicoot N Sane" trilogy is an enhanced game. Even Crash looks smoother.

"Crash Bandicoot N Sane" trilogy has Dr. Neo Cortex experimenting on a bandicoot that he desires to turn into his general that will lead his Cortex commandos. Something goes wrong, however, the bandicoot escapes, crashing out of the laboratory window, and the classic is revisited.