Jobs With Depression And Suicidal Thoughts: Most Common In Airline Pilots

Every job can be stressing and may even lead to losing control. The downside is, stress isn’t the biggest load of workers. Instead, some suffer depression that leads to suicidal thoughts.

Not all are aware that this case befalls hard on being an airline pilot. Of course, we all know the perks of being an airline pilot, having to travel to different places and leading people to their desired destination.

Recently, a study was published by Biomed Central. They were prompted to do the research because of the Germanwings flight 4U 9525 last March 24, 2015, that crashed into the French Alps lead to the death of 150 people.

The researchers had found out that the pilot was suffering from clinical depression. The study also found out that other factor that risk depression among airline pilots was sexual and verbal harassment. They also found out that some of the female pilots that seek sleep aid medications were verbally or sexually harassed. While the male pilots were likely to suffer from feeling like a failure, loss of interest and thinking they might be better off dead.

“We found that many pilots currently flying are managing depressive symptoms, and it may be that they are not seeking treatment due to the fear of negative career impacts,” said Joseph Allen, assistant professor of exposure assessment science, in a statement on Eureka Alert.

Pilots did not seek help because of the fear that they might lose their job and have a negative impact on their career. Also, the money on health treatments that they could save for their family instead of using it for their own sake was also considered.

The airforce is not the only jobs that are likely to suffer depression. Other jobs at stake for suicidal thoughts according to Medical Daily are;

1. Local/Intercity Passenger Transit — 16.19 percent
2. Real Estate — 15.65 percent
3. Social Services — 14.60 percent
4. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries — 14.25 percent
5. Personal Services — 14.25 percent
6. Legal Services — 13.44 percent
7. Environmental Quality/Housing — 13.42 percent
8. Membership Organizations — 13.28 percent
9. Security and Commodity Brokers — 12.60 percent
10. Printing and Publishing — 12.43 percent

Everybody suffers from depression because of life. These leads performances in jobs to fall or rise. Consult health care as early as today to cope up with any unnecessary findings.

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