Starting The Year Right With Career Resolutions Everyone Should Have

In an ideal world, everyone will be happy with the way their career is going. No one will dream of having higher raise or getting promotions because everyone will be contented with what they have. However, in the real world where it's a dog eat dog, everyone is struggling to make their career work for them.

With the coming New Year, almost everyone is making promises that would improve their life career-wise, health-wise, or financial-wise. It is not easy to follow through once you make a resolution, but you have to be disciplined enough to do so if you really want to improve.

To have a better career in 2017, start the year with a career checkup that you can do twice a year: one every January and another every June. Doing the career checkup will help you assess whether you are near the career path that you have always wanted. If not, then maybe it is time to tweak your goals.

Promise yourself that you will regularly update your resume. Add all the trainings you have attended, and input all the skills you have recently acquired. Ideally, you should update your career right after every achievement. In that way, what you have attained is still fresh from your mind, so you can provide better information for your potential bosses.

Make sure to grow your network bigger. While everyone can work alone, having a strong network that you can tap into once needed will be a better security than anything else. Your network of people will be your support once you need more clients or you need job tips.

Fast Company reported that it would be better if aggressively achieve your goals. Do not wait for your boss to hand you any career progress opportunity. Ask for it. However, ensure that you are prepared to handle the task by continually improving yourself professionally.

If you are a salesperson, Jobs & Hire previously reported about tips and tricks that will help you achieve your quota in 2017.

Career Advice, Career tips, Job Advice