Money-Saving Gadgets: Best Gadgets Under $100 To Help You Cut Down On Expenses

The start of a new year is a great way to fix one’s finances, and if you’re like most people, you’re probably thinking that now is not the right time to buy things. After all the spending that went on during the holiday season, you’re likely thinking about giving your credit cards a rest until the time comes that you absolutely have to buy something for yourself.

However, some gadgets can help save you money, and most of these money-saving gizmos don’t cost a fortune at all. Business Insider has made a list of money-saving gadgets, and some of them don’t go over $100.

Here are some of the best gadgets under $100 that can help you save money in 2017.

Rechargeable batteries and a charging dock

Parents know that kids’ toys can take up a lot of batteries in one year, so to save money, why not invest in rechargeable batteries and a charging dock? Panasonic makes AA rechargeable batteries that cost $12.99 for a pack of 4. Pair this with an EBL 8 Rechargeable Battery Charger which costs only $9.99 on Amazon.

LED light bulbs

Most people think that having LED light bulbs don’t make much of a difference when it comes to saving money. However, they’re proven to be more energy efficient and last longer than traditional light bulbs.

Recent innovations in LED light bulb technology include the “smart bulb,” such as the TP-Link Smart LED Light Bulb ($32.99). It’s compatible with Amazon Alexa for voice control, and you can control your lights from anywhere with your smartphone or tablet using the free app.

An unlocked smartphone

An unlocked smartphone is a good buy for people who would rather not pay a carrier a monthly fee for the phone. Moreover, an unlocked phone can recognize a SIM card from any GSM network, making it perfect to take along during trips abroad.

Amazon has a wide selection of unlocked phones at different price points. Among the most inexpensive picks are the Microsoft Nokia Lumia 435 ($46.28), BLU Studio Selfie 2 ($70), Sony Xperia M C2004 Dual SIM ($61.99) and the RCA M1 4.0 Dual SIM Android phone ($57.99).

A power supply

According to The Simple Dollar, an efficient power supply protects consumers from electrical faults and ensures that devices use up electricity at a minimum rate. As a result, this gadget can help you lower your electricity bills. Antec makes a variety of power supplies, ranging from $48.99 and up.

An HDTV Antenna

You’ll never have to pay cable or satellite fees again once you get your very own HDTV antenna. You can watch local channels such as CBS, ABC, and NBC for free, and the device can also pull in local news, sitcoms, kids and sports programs. The 1byone Thin HDTV Antenna costs only $14.99 on Amazon.

For more money-saving tips, check out Jobs & Hire’s tips on the simple ways that you can save money in 2017.

Money saving tips
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