Career Talk: All Jobs Are Stressful But Some Jobs Are More Stressful Than Others

People who have tried different types of jobs usually say that there is no such thing as stress-free jobs. They are right. While some jobs may offer a different level of stress compared with the others, all of them make people long for the weekend or day-offs.

The level of stress on jobs would usually depend on the personality of a person. If an introverted person takes a job that would require him or her to talk to a lot of people, the level of stress would be much higher, as an example.

Several factors also affect the stress level of jobs. People who are doing jobs in which they could lose their lives any moment are far more stressful than desk jobs. The danger and uncertainty surrounding a job could definitely boost stress levels, although some people say they thrive in that environment.

FOX News reported that that top 10 most stressful jobs are enlisted military personnel, firefighter, airline pilot, police officer, event coordinator, newspaper reporter, corporate executive, public relations executive, taxi driver and broadcaster.

If you are worried about your health and how stress will potentially affect it, then look for a job that will not give you a high level of mental, physical and emotional stress. If you easily get stressed when facing an emotional situation, avoid jobs that would require you to deal with other people's emotions like psychologists or counseling.

A surprising article posted on DTNPF said that farming is also one of the most dangerous and stressful jobs. The number of deaths in farming is twice higher than mining, so if you are thinking that it would be a walk in the park, think again.

While every job can be stressful during the worst moments, liking what you do will certainly help it become more fun and enjoyable. Knowing that at the end of the day you are getting paid to do what you do best could lighten up the pressure.

For jobseekers who do not have a degree, Jobs & Hire previously reported about jobs that do not require a college diploma.

Career path, Career