Believe It Or Not: NFL Stars Earn Money Without Having To Play At The Super Bowl

Winning the Super Bowl automatically gives a big, fat check to the players who managed such a feat. However, it does not mean that NFL stars have to play forever in order to earn some money.

Bloomberg News reported that players who have managed to become famous during their athletic prime could cash in on that popularity and reputation. With millions of fans in the United States alone, former NFL players can definitely get thousands of dollars from a single public appearance.

In the days leading to the much-awaited Super Bowl, NFL players who have already retired from the game are usually asked to make appearances at Super Bowl parties sponsored by companies. Depending on the fame of the player and the size of the company, the athletes could definitely earn as much as $500,000 per appearance.

Not only that, players who are not tied to any sponsorship contracts can usually take advantage of the Super Bowl fever in order to secure such deals from companies that want to peddle their product to Super Bowl fans. Radio advertisements may pay an athlete $20,000 depending on his negotiation with the company.

On top of that, NFL players can also earn money just by telling some anecdotal stories to some businessmen who are willing to pay to listen to some locker room secrets and trivia that athletes are willing to impart. These kinds of deals could earn an athlete about $100,000.

NFL athletes in the recently concluded Super Bowl also earned a lot of money just from playing. Syracuse reported that players in the winning team would earn $107,000, while the players in the losing team will receive $53,000.

Players who played in the wild-card round could earn between $24,000 to $27,000. Players in the divisional round got $27,000. Players earned $49,000 in the conference championship games.

Jobs & Hire previously reported that Denver Broncos, Jacksonville Jaguars, San Diego Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, San Francisco 49ers and Buffalo Bills are the best NFL teams for those who want to be head coaches.

Super Bowl, United States, NFL